Sunspots refer to actinic or solar keratoses and solar lentigines.

Actinic keratoses are considered to be a marker of sun damage and are pre-malignant lesions.  These are commonly located on sun exposed sites including the face, ears, nose, forearms, dorsum or the hands, V of the neck/chest and shins.  They appear as red and scaly lesions that can come and go.  There are many treatment options available for treating actinic keratoses which include doctor applied liquid nitrogen cryotherapy; prescription cream treatments such as 5-Fluorouracil, Imiquimod, Ingenol Mebutate, Diclofenac; antikeratolytic and photrejuvenating prescription treatments such as retinoid creams, salacylic acid, lactic acid and urea creams ; physical treatments such as photodynamic therapy; intense pulsed light or surgical treatments such as curettage and diathermy.  Your dermatologist at Perth Dermatology Clinic will advise you of the most suitable treatment for your actinic keratoses.

Solar lentigines are pigmented lesions that commonly occur on the face, but also in all other sun exposed areas.  These are non-malignant lesions, however exclusion of malignancy is required prior to any treatment.  This may sometimes require a diagnostic skin biopsy.  Treatments to improve the appearances of solar lentigines include doctor applied liquid nitrogen crytotherapy and pigment laser treatment, both in combination with strict sun protection.  Your dermatologist at Perth Dermatology Clinic will assist to accurately diagnosis your pigmented sun spots and advise on the most suitable treatment for your solar lentigines.